The South Jersey Astronomy Club hosts two annual Star Parties.

The 2025 Spring Star Party is schedule for April 24th – 27th on the recreation field in Belleplain State Forest.  

The SJAC Star Parties are a paid events and includes camping out on the observing field at Belleplain State Forest.

Star Parties are designed to give you, the amateur astronomer a place to setup your equipment and share the experience of observing with fellow astronomers. SJAC does not setup telescopes for the general public.

REGISTRATION FEES: Pre-registration is $20.00 via Paypal or by mail.

Registration at the door is $20 per person upon arrival at the event. Kids 16 and under are free!

Click Here for a Star Party Pre-registration form to mail in, or you can pre-register using PayPal:

Star Party

Your registration automatically covers your cost of camping on the Belleplain athletic field. You may also park your vehicle at your site, including vans, SUV’s, pickups, pop-ups, motor homes and trailers.

Open fires are prohibited on the field. Restroom and shower facilities are nearby in the campground areas.

If you camp in the Belleplain campground areas, the cost is $15/night and you must register at the Forest Office (609-861-2404). This fee is separate from the Star Party registration fee!

Please stop at the registration table and you will be assigned an area.

There is plenty of free parking adjacent to the observing/camping field. No driving is permitted on the observing field after dark, so you must leave your car in the nearby lot if you plan to leave during the night.

Several restaurants, diners and stores are located nearby, or you can bring your own goodies to eat.

Access to the observing/camping field will start at 3:00 PM on Thursday. We urge you to be there as early as possible, certainly before nightfall.

Common sense and courtesy apply. No alcohol is permitted in the State Forest, we discourage loud music. No pets. Red lights should be used after dark, please! Sorry green laser pointers are not allowed to be used during our star party. If you plan to leave before dawn notify our staff. Those leaving early should park closer to the exit so you lights will not shine on those still observing.